An Almost Rainbow Nation 🌈

If it Weren’t for Those Meddling Queers and their Stupid Dog(ged Determination)

Kieran Andrew Can ☀️
7 min readApr 12, 2018

There is no crime if there is no victim — Luis Hart

Today, a nation that was once hailed as a ‘rainbow country’ by South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu confronted an ancient and colonial law passed on from British law — and seemingly, won.

Trinidad and Tobago celebrated independence from Great Britain in 1962 and declared itself a Republic in 1976, but took with it a bi-cameral, Westminister system of Opposition and Government and of course, the laws of its once-master. Included among those laws was a 500+ year old one — the English Buggery Act of 1533 was transposed into the Caribbean island’s laws in its Sexual Offences Act when it declared itself entirely free of Britain. Worse yet, according to The Guardian, this law was strengthened in 1986 when TT Parliament rewrote the act and doubled the penalty to 10 YEARS IMPRISONMENT and then again further in 2000 to TWENTY FIVE YEARS IN PRISON.

Irony: being arrested for having consensual sex in the bum and put in a prison system where sex in the bum is a DAILY and often non-consensual, homosexual occurrence.

The real tragedy is that both the anti-LGBT community AND the LGBT community have rallied against and for…

